Friday, July 8, 2016

Zowie Fenderblast Interview part three

Zowie interview part three 5 June 2010
ZF: for anything to have any meaning for me anymore it has to fit, it has to be very much like a key in a lock. It has to be right. On every important (indistinct) approaching it, and I don’t-just doing something as a show or a song or anything. Basically just having a normal approach-it’s not just do something different but apply it differently and things like that. I'm not trying to be cutting edge it’s just I'm trying not to be bored.
JH: Okay
ZF: So what happened was this: I did something and an entirely new, completely different manifestation of the original idea came into being and I absolutely love it. Because, it is without limits and it’s very simple to do; it’s all very simple to do. And I must be very very (laughs) lucky or some type of coincidence happens or you for some reason you stumble upon this just by accident or something to that effect-you’ll never know I did it.
JH: (laughs)
ZF: except they’ll be a ton of material there but until you punch in the right code-simplest thing in the world-until you punch in the right symbol, it won’t appear. They’ll never find it. and uh…at the very end of it I realized I could use a binary code if I wanted to-not that I want to obscure anything but just to keep track of things like 1,2,3,4,5-so I didn’t want to title any of the videos.
JH: that reminds me of when the yippies would send joints to people in the phone book.
ZF: but the thing is, what I'm going to be doing is, what I'm gonna be doing is and to make absolutely no effort and try to make sure there is no connections to be made. there’s two ways. For instance using the medium of You Tube.
JH: Right
ZF: It’s been out there for years. When somebody posts a video on you tube there are two methods of disseminating that video. (indistinct) you try to promote it: subscribe to my video, rate this video-blah blah blah blah. And one of the automatic functions is, I think they call them “tags” or something
JH: yeah
ZF: so if you’re going to do, like suppose you’re going to do a video on-say Led Zeppelin. Okay this is me talking about Led Zeppelin but I want to make sure that people that are interested in Led Zeppelin-so in the tag section I'm going to put Jimmy Page, Robert Plant-blah blah blah blah blah. So the machine itself will make these connections and you’ll (your video) appear right? Well what if they’re no connections?  what if there are no patterns? and the only way you can find this is by punching in the right code. In the vast, the vast sea of information that You Tube in of itself is-you’ll never find these fucking videos and they’ll never appear. Unless you punch in the code. But if somebody does find them and then it starts to leak out, then-well whatever-I don’t care. It doesn’t matter.
JH: well if you put a video on you tube the first thing I would do is share it to Facebook and then all 66 of my friends on facebook would see it. Oh Jim has a video up. Of those 66 people six or 7 of my friends will look at it. and if I wanted to I could send them a note and say hey can you put this on your page?
ZF: Right
JH: facebook’s an interesting tool like that.
ZF: well I don’t even know what facebook is, it’s some site, a social network-I don’t know anything about it. But it’s odd because if you look at the idea about promoting something, about putting something out and the reason why you present yourself on video or pick up a guitar and record something or whatever is to get yourself out there. For a variety of reasons: maybe you have something to sell, or maybe you just want to express yourself. Or you want to complain about something, or you want to make people aware of your existence. I dunno. it doesn’t matter. But the point is just like-and it’s mirrored in a million different aspects all around us, is to multiply, to spread. And I…I want to bait a trap.
JH: Right
ZF: But I don’t want to-
JH: But already since you-
ZF: But I don’t want to promote it or to be identified with it.
JH: Okay
ZF: I made a discovery yesterday and it was linked to you. Because, I’ve pretty much not had any interaction with people, anybody with any intelligence for about ten years. As far as an outside, besides my wife-
JH: Right
ZF: and it occurred to me, it’s like: well-you get this entity that comes into my life. Maybe I could start poking out into the outside world. Not in any way that normal people do I suppose. And I have nothing to fear, it’s just I’m bored stiff the way most people put things out.
JH: Okay
ZF: it gets back to the kind of things we were talking about, it’s like why Zowie Fenderblast? why Irving God? well I got a new name now.
JH: Okay
ZF: and I won’t tell it to you on tape
JH: Good, good
ZF: I’ll tell it to you later.
(tape recorder shut off)
ZF: This is a story that demonstrates the signal to noise ratio. That I must often encounter at work, it’s about the Loch Ness monster. many years ago when I got my first computer, I had never been on the internet before and I didn’t know what to do. So, for the first experiment I decided to just type in a word from the search engine and see what came up. I had never done it before. And I don’t know what possessed me to pick this particular subject but it just seemed like well: why not? And I typed in Loch Ness monster. And suddenly I was at, I had a choice of hundreds of different sites about the Loch Ness monster. But the one that fascinated me the most I think it was the original loch ness website. What was cool about it and I was very much aware of this because it was all new to me. There I was, I was sitting in my living room and I was able, live, to actually scan both above and below the surface of the Loch Ness as I was back in my living room. Because of this technology they have live cams. So I felt this was novel…so I'm at work the next day, and it was the end of the day and my convicts were assembling for me to put them in the van back to prison. And I was, they were around me and I was sitting on the back deck of our office. I was talking to my boss, he was hanging out there too. And I said hey I got on the internet for the first time and I found out I could sit in my living room and actually search for the Loch Ness monster. And I told my boss basically what this was. I had an inmate by the name of “Jermaine Jackson’ and he was very excitable.
JH: (laughs)
ZF: and he was very opinionated and he also was a complete idiot, which isn’t unusual
JH: those things go together
ZF: Yeah, and he said the following, and I quote, this is his exact words: “Loch Ness Monster! Loch ness Monster! Sheeet, loch ness monster aint nuthin but a  big nigger running through the woods.” And I said, what? “Loch Ness monster ain’t nothing but a big nigger running through the woods.” And I looked at him and said, do you mean Bigfoot? and he looked at me and he was confused, and that’s the signal to noise, okay? You start on this level: Loch Ness Monster. The Loch Ness Monster is also considered to be a mythical beast-what do they call it?
JH: Cryptozoology-
ZF Cryptozoology-a very paranormal, cryptozoological beast, like Bigfoot. Now the Loch Ness monster more or less is perceived as a dinosaur like aquatic creature, it looks like a plesiosaur or something. Whereas another mythological beast, Bigfoot is a bipedal humanoid shape but somehow and I can only guess at this; Mr. Jackson’s ability to connect neurons, the ability to sort things out in his head…any mythical beast can be any other mythical beast. So that gave me the idea like I’m going…I’m going to Loch Ness someday and I’m going to tell everybody there they’re looking in the wrong place.
JH: (laughs)
ZF: Because it’s actually a large black guy running through their forest.
JH: (laughs)
ZF: (laughs) Now imagine if that continues I could literally write a book saying that-and create a website and everything else connecting somehow the Loch Ness monster 2.
JH: Elijah Muhammad.
ZF: Bigfoot, Elijah Muhammad which gets into some of the stuff I was studying yesterday-what I mentioned the Brotherhood of Satan
JH: (laughs)
ZF: one of the other things I do, I pay attention at times to people that study the occult or seemingly study the occult, the Illuminati and conspiracies and stuff and these people are endlessly lost (recording falters)
JH: Burroughs called that the place of dead roads.
(here the tape went out and you can barely hear us talking)
ZF: simply wish to, and I'm not against it but I just wonder why these people chase their ass in a circle endlessly until they drop dead.
JH: You tapped into that with Lee Harvey Oswald band. You picked on a cipher image to people and then the band itself was so mysterious.
ZF: well I have to say you know if there was any idea behind it, Rick (Simms) was behind it cos like I said
JH: You wrote the music I know.
ZF: I wrote the songs and I sang them. And I didn’t, whatever I was involved at the time was doing various things. You know but I had been screwing around with weird ideas for a long time but I personally didn’t have a lot of hand in that.
JH: But there are people who have read all 28 volumes of the Warren Commission report and then spend their whole life talking about the inconsistencies but they never pay attention to the ideology.
ZF: Right
JH: it’s like 9-11 to me these people that speculate there wasn’t enough jet fuel, it was the Jews-to me their idiots, to me that’s not the real question.
ZF: Yes you’re right, absolutely. it’s not the real question, and you know I think LaVey used to mention, something to the effect of rolling shit into little balls, you know, why? You can study anything in minute detail, every time something is copied or passed on, it’s a labyrinth it’s a maze-a pointless exercise in some respects. But I'm not against it, I feel that anyone that wants to pursue something for no reason. well usually they have a reason that’s the only thing I really don’t like about it. They honest to god think, let’s just narrow it down to the population of the United States of America-has the cognitive ability and the interest to look into this stuff and somehow become awake. To this hidden plot or this hidden truth and these people invest a lot of emotional currency in trying to manifest that and uh-if they want to do that it’s okay. I really don’t understand how they can be so oblivious to the complete point. For want of a better word, wasted time-
JH: well I think it’s part of this society’s ideology to keep them involved in the wasted time-
ZF: Sure.
JH: well it’s a lot easier to read the warren commission report and say it’s a lie cos you’re in the possession of the hidden knowledge.
ZF: well here’s a radical statement if you want to call it radical and possibly an illegal statement. Which I love, actual words-actual words that can have you thrown in prison in this country especially. I love that, it’s fucking brilliant. I was watching some documentary footage of protests against the invasion of Iraq. A general war protest that started even before the invasion and even protests against the invasion of Afghanistan. And I watched many documentaries, and when I watch something it’s not usually for the reasons that most people watch something. Again, I am much like HG Wells when he described Martians observing earth-how did he describe it? Something with cold intellect. I watch documentaries many times just to observe human beings I don’t really give a shit what they’re doing. I want to observe them to try to figure out how they arrive at where they are; what the hell they’re thinking. Most documentaries are trying to convince you of something and I don’t care about that. Here’s the good stuff. I’ve watched hundreds of thousands of people put up many hours of video tape about these protests. And I saw all these people carrying signs and protesting, getting sprayed with tear gas and being arrested and marching. Speakers were speaking through microphones and all of this, and…the only question that occurs to me is this: when it comes to political change the only political change that I’ve ever considered effective at all is not voting, not protesting but sending a well aimed bullet at a very high speed into the skull of whoever is trying to turn you into a slave.
JH: Right
ZF: because one thing you’ll notice is that this usually results in death of that person and one thing that you notice about dead people, if you’ve been around a few of them. Well they tend to be pretty fucking mellow. They kinda stop what they’re doing. If they hate (POLITCIAN) so much, if they hate (POLITCIAN b) so much; if they hate these corporations so much and the people…they are hundreds of thousands of these people, you’re gonna tell me that none of them has a rifle? That none of the know-can master the basic skills of marksmanship and figure it, hey this guys gonna be here next week and if I rent an apartment or something I can get a shot at this cocksucker y’know?  America-the reason-the most obvious thing I saw with those protesters was this: they wanted to feel part of the group, they wanted to express their beliefs-but do they really want to stop any of these people? They want to stop them enough…to kill them cos that stops people.
JH: Killing them stops people but you can’t shoot a social relationship-
ZF: I think actually you’ll find politicians, since we’re speaking of politicians, if you were to in one day kill fifty of them
JH: Right
ZF: Their consciousness would change radically.  And the survivors will start to do things in a very different manner.
JH: They would make more police forces.
ZF: Maybe
JH: All 9-11 did was solidify the power structure, it was the best thing that ever happened to them.
ZF: Well yeah, yeah but getting back to the folks that were protesting, apparently they never examined that the find the consciousness of those in power so alien they can’t comprehend it. And, imagine this, it’s very easy for me to completely believe this possible. There is (POLITCIAN), (POLITCIAN b) and everybody that they hated-and I have no use for these fucking people either and I never have. I have no use for any politician. But the entire corrupt evil Bush machine are out there and they’re observing the protests-let’s say a million people are out on the streets in New York City and Washington DC-and they’re having cocktails and sandwiches, the CEO’s of the top fifty companies. I fully believe that it is completely within the consciousness of those people looking down from that building to understand a simple fact, by Monday morning they’ll be gone. And we’ll still be here. Now when you say that bullets or violence cannot stop a social relationship-
JH: You can’t blow up a social relationship.
ZF: Yes you can. I’ve seen it happen. I have to disagree with you, when you examine something like Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. If you apply enough high explosives to any situation (indistinct) and what it’s been since then as far as what it aspired to be-cos there will always be people that want to wear a swastika armband. But the nation of Germany has not gotten that idea and ran with it since. and that was a huge war-
JH: No, no I see what you’re saying
ZF: It needed to be a huge war because there were a lot of fucking people with the same idea that needed to die. and if that was your intent, and suppose you got um, you know the social relationship of the People’s Temple-that’s fucking gone. All that took was chemicals and a little bit of kool aid. Dead people quiet the fuck down. Well the reason why we see terrorists basically so pointless is that there’s not enough of them. Because when you apply real sustained terroristic action consistently, guerrilla action consistently you will cause your enemy to fold.
(tape stops)
JH: what were the words that can get you arrested?
ZF: well apparently its illegal even between you and I, we’re sitting here at this table. If I tell you: “Jim I'm going to come to your house and kill you and your family,” that’s known as a terroristic threat and I can be arrested. But it becomes much much more serious-when you say assassination or suggest that to anyone really in power. It could be a senator, a state representative-they’ve made this little rule saying these people must remain untouched at all times.
JH: if you stand in front of the white house with a sign saying “kill etc” that’s illegal.
ZF: Exactly, two words. Magick words. It’s like going into some rap hip hop bar something like that and start screaming “niggers” at the top of your voice-now that’s a magick word because it causes a reaction.
JH: go into a bank and say holdup.
ZF: Exactly. Go through the security-say “bomb” “hijack”. A word because these people are so tuned-the tension is so high. It’s a reactive thing. Literally by the rules, written down for them-they have to react to it. To you or me it means nothing.
JH: Right
ZF: I have no intention of shooting anyone let alone some politician, but I'm watching these protesters  and I'm thinking if you were in Bolivia or Nicaragua you’d be in the mountains by now shooting anything in a government suit. But because you’re Americans you just want to put on a show. You want to feel better, but you don’t actually want to solve the problem. People, especially nowadays-they have the technology to render people completely harmless-the power has just grown exponentially-which is something I love. It’s tricky the amount-as long as you give people enough ability to vent- any customer complaint department will verify this. Let’em get it out of their system. Six minutes later they wanna shake your hand-
JH: they’re thanking you-
ZF: Right. and as long as people have the ability to call into talk radio and scream and bitch about something or protest in the street. Something like that it’s called a blowoff.
(tape stops)
ZF: The whole strange idea about sports I never understood any of that. I understand it as most people want to direct their attention to sports or entertainment rather than paying attention to their own lives. I’m not even suggesting that they pay attention to politics. Okay, I'm saying you’re actually living a life where every minute that passes you have less time. You are driving towards the grave here. But you want to focus you’re attention on a politician or worrying about whether the government can do something, or worried about a celebrity. More often than not, engaging yourself in this bizarre game of checkers or tiddlywinks involving guys in tight pants and funny hats, throwing a ball around. Now, for over ten years I’ve asked the question of every sports fan I’ve ever met: why do you enjoy sports?
JH: Well I enjoy sports because (tape stops)
ZF: the basic social lubricant nonsense that everyone else is into, they watch sports… They watch what’s popular on American idol, they listen to what’s popular in music that kind of thing. They never engage-f they’ve taken any kind of drugs it’s been under the auspices of a chemical roller coaster ride, for no other reason than to take drugs. Whereas if I was to take a drug it’s usually for a purpose, it’s not so I could see colors. And I'm not saying that the way that I do this is the right way or what they’re doing is wrong, and this is what I'm consistently being surrounded by-and this what is called normal. So I don’t see except for some legal technicalities any differences between the convicts and the people on the street because they act exactly the same. There are people in the street that have a higher degree of moralistic or ethical control. They are constrained by some outside force that are supposedly chosen by them. that’s something I never understood because one thing you do if you’ve worked in prisons, or have worked around people that have no freedom or power. You become acutely and very, very very hypersensitive to what is free and what is not. And that’s why I can’t make much of a difference between people locked up in prison and people walking the street. Because the prison is not a physical prison but they’re walking around with such a headful of nonsense it’s restricting them in a thousand different ways. Apparently, they not only accept this but they love it.

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